Indigo Blue Star Rainbow Crystal

We are surrounded by them now. What do these words mean? If Genesis~Orion is an example of Blue Star or Crystal child, it is because he was conceived in a sacred manner and was born under the explosive blue aura of Comet Holmes on the night of November 4th 2007. This comet appeared as a bright blue star in our solar system, and was momentarily brighter than the sun. Was this the Blue Star prophecy of the Hopi Indians? This is something you will have to stay tuned to See. But by any and all levels the Star is an Oracle. During his three hour labor and birth the number 444 appeared 3 separate times in three different places. He was born naturally at home, nursed from his mother's breast for 16 months, and has never been given any drug or had any needle injected into his highly charged body. He is the healthiest and most vibrant being one will ever encounter. He is a Child of Light - because he is allowed to Be. Some have chosen to call these children by various names and labels.

At the core, it is simple. We are creating this entire show we call Life - Universe. It is WE who have come up with words to explain and describe that which we see, that which we are. To describe the indescribable, to eff the ineffable. How else are we to evolve and continue to express ourselves via this mind-body Self unless we allow ourselves to evolve our language and methods for expressing it?

Old paradigm thinking will explain what is happening with today's children as autism, attention deficit disorder, hyper activity. Indeed. Autism? If autism is rooted in autonomy, then yes these beings are highly autonomous and willful creatures. Attention? They play very close attention. Deficit? Only toward those things which do not concern their attention, their attention cannot be demanded, it must be earned. Disorder? Very well indeed. They are a biological response to the dis-order of the world they have inherited. And their tendency to be dis-orderly is in fact their great work - to dis-assemble and rearrange the order of the ages.

If you have a child who exhibits behaviors that seem different, do not worry about the labels. You can call them Manic or Magic - All children have the same potential, but we have to help. They will be called many things. If you find yourself in the divine position of being a guardian of one of these beings, it will be your sacred mission to ensure they get to their destiny-destination. As a guardian, your own ego-person desires and dreams will have to transform to fit in with these new destinies you must protect. Call these children whatever you want, just See them for who they are.

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